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Isuzu 2DG-LV290N2 Erga Non-Step #P-D302

25 grudnia 2018 - Tōkyō, Bunkyō-ku, Ōtsuka 2-chōme (東京都文京区大塚2丁目), National Route 254.
都02 (to-02): 錦糸町駅前 (Kinshichō Station) → 大塚駅前 (Ōtsuka Station)
Today`s topic is a short series of Toei buses. I think it would be worthwhile to explain what Toei actually is. It is in fact a section (bureau) of the metropolitan government of Tōkyō. To lay it over British terms, it`s as if the Greater London Assembly planned and operated the bus services directly using its own buses and hiring its own drivers (not even with TfL, but literally as an office out of the GLA). When referring to the Tōkyō metropolis it`s important to note that I`m referring to the prefectural-level body - Tōkyō city as a local government body ceased to exist in 1943. Perhaps it`s a slightly strange arrangement, but Japan just about doesn`t have tendering and contracting processes in public transport (at least as far as I know) - it`s either one of the 28 local government transport bureaus, or private operators, which are one way or another often tied to one of the railway conglomerates.

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