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Isuzu QDG-LV290N1 Erga Non-Step #R-B771

14 września 2018 - Tōkyō, Edogawa-ku, Naka-kasai 5-chōme (東京都江戸川区中葛西5丁目), bus terminus adjacent to Kasai metro station.
秋26 (aki-26): 葛西駅前 (Kasai Station) → 秋葉原駅前 (Akihabara Station)
Apparently you can get to Akihabara on this bus. So far, true, but whether this thing`s got a set frequency is another story. Mondays to Fridays it sports a solid morning peak at every 6-10 minutes, interpeak at every 26-28, and an afternoon peak at every 19-21, or maybe 15-16. On Saturdays it runs apparently every 19-21 minutes in the morning, but later every 23-24. Only on Sundays does it run every 20 minutes for most of the day. What of it, however, if the last departures are before 10pm? That`s how most more frequent city bus routes look like in Japan: most companies don`t know what a set frequency is, never mind synchronisation modules, and above all, departures after 22:30 are rare beyond rare.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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