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Hino PJ-KV234N1 Blue Ribbon II None-Step #NH-144

18 lutego 2019 - Nagoya (Aichi Pref.), Nishi-ku, Nagono 2-chōme (愛知県名古屋市西区那古野2丁目). Some 16 months after the trip itself I finally got around to photos from Nagoya. I don`t have anything from the subway, considering that the network itself is not really good for photography. To start off a few shots of the municipal operator - much like in Tōkyō, Nagoya has a Transport Bureau attached to the city hall. Worth nothing is that there are 26 local administration units with such a Transport Bureau, most often called kōtsu-kyoku like here.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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