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Isuzu QQG-LV234N3 Erga Hybrid #26766

13 lutego 2019 - Hiroshima, Minami-ku, Midori 1-chōme (広島県広島市南区緑1丁目).
12-1: 東浄小学校前 (Tōjō-shōgakkō-mae) → 仁保沖町 (Niho-okimachi)
A slightly different shot - done very unexpectedly from on-board a rather older car on tram route 5. To wrap it up, some information about Hiroden`s bus network, but also the company itself. As of the end of March 2020, Hiroden operated a bus network of total route length of 1335.6 km using a fleet of 544 buses, carrying a daily average of 111 thousand passsengers. The entire company had 1780 employees at the time. Both of Hiroden`s transport branches are loss-incurring, as in fiscal 2019 Hiroden made a loss of 28 million yen on the tram network, equating nearly €216,000, and a loss of 1.075 billion yen on the bus network, or 8.29 million euro. Overall however the company is making profit (579 million yen in fiscal 2019, or 4.67 mln euro) due to its notably profitable housing development and renting business which easily makes up for the losses from its transport busieness - a model to be found not only at Hiroshima Dentetsu when it comes to Japan.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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