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Be4/4 #721

Be4/4 #721

Wyprodukowany: 1951
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-11-09 17:35:37
Miejsce: Sibiu / Sibiu    
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1050
Rozmiar pliku: 261.18kB
29 września 2008 - Sibiu, Romania - Calea Dumbravii: The Sibiu tram and trolleybus operations were amazing survivors, but would not last much longer when pictured outside the depot in 2008. The last two trolleybus routes, by now reduced to just one or two journeys each hour, went first and the depot yard was full of derelict vehicles. This left only the lovely interurban tramway line to the village of Rasinari, which had somehow kept going with only two serviceable trams running just a handful of trips each day. Everyone assumed that this would also close but (at the time of writing) the line can still be hired occasionally for charter trips, although there is now no regular public service. So against all the odds, a tram sometimes ventures along the overgrown and rickety track - long may it continue!
en gt


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