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Ikarus 284.00 #BPY-149

Ikarus 284.00 #BPY-149

Wyprodukowany: 1984     Zezłomowany: ?
Autor: torqmatic hunewsercenzoredytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-03-07 15:41:09
Szerokość: 1024, Wysokość: 576
Rozmiar pliku: 266.55kB
7 marca 2015 - Debrecen, István út. Almost all of the former citybuses have been scrapped since DKV is the new operator in Debrecen, but fortunately these two special Ikarus are still living and waiting for the resurrection. BKV would like to buy BPY-150 (seen on the left), because this bus was running in the capital city in the `80s for more than one year, but they couldn`t agree with Hajdú Volán. So an other Ikarus 284 was purchased (JOY-222) and hopefully it will be restored this year.
en gt


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