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Neoplan N4421 #998

Neoplan N4421 #998

Wyprodukowany: 2000     Zezłomowany: 2023
Autor: Mettal ltedytorRSS (794)
Dodano: 2017-05-21 09:40:45
Miejsce: Vilnius / Vilniaus apskritis    Organizator: VVT Vilnius     Linia: 5G
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 800
Rozmiar pliku: 304.78kB
19 maja 2015 - Vilnius, Rygos gatvė. After 2 months it`s engine caught fire and badly damaged rear section. It was just 8 days after #999 got into identical situation. After that, all Neoplan N4421 were temporary withdrawn from service and returned only in September. In December of the same year rear section was replaced by the one of another former Bogestra bus - #0062.
lt gt


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