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Solaris Urbino 18 #A 2955 MB

Solaris Urbino 18 #A 2955 MB

Wyprodukowany: 2012
Autor: Metzgermeister5 enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2017-03-31 21:15:19
Miejsce: Бургас / Бургас    Linia: Б2
Szerokość: 1000, Wysokość: 750
Rozmiar pliku: 215.45kB
7 grudnia 2016 - Burgas, Bulgaria. A new public transportation scheme with new lines was introduced on 26th November, 2016, which saw the retirement of many old routes (including the legendary 211) as well as the modification of others. Б1 and Б2 ("Б" stands for "Бърз," which translates as "fast" in English) are now the backbone of our public transportation with around 80% of their routes being the same - they start in Meden Rudnik and split at the roundabout that`s near Hotel Mirage with Б1 continuing to Izgrev and Б2 to Slaveykov. Both lines are operated only by articulated buses and stop on special stops with special platforms intended only for them. A small bus-only section of San Stefano Boulevard was created in 2015 for the central bus stop and is situated parallel to the main road. This bus is seen waiting for a signal that allows it to leave this section. I took the picture from behind because the two stickers are a sort of a minor tuning that`s not present on other Solaris buses.
bg en gt
Tagi: Made in Poland


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Styl forum: [URL=https://phototrans.pl/14,864535,0,Solaris_Urbino_18_A_2955_MB.html][img]https://phototrans.pl/images/photos/original/460/864535.jpg[/img][/URL]
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