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Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4949

17 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Sunderland Road. At the end of my English series - Scania with the Gateshead Stadium in background. To sum up - their service has tickled my fancy. Every bus or train was punctual and clean, in every end station metro was cleaned superficially. For some the ticket tariff could be incomprehensible, but if we know where we want go, there is no problem to find suitable ticket. New ticket machines has Polich and even Mandarin. Furthermore, at train station, next to timetables and some phones there is a list of metro break downs and other outs of service, e.g. in March there were 4 disruptions - lateness connected with a football match, failure of door and two failures of infrastructure

Komentarze: 2

Transbus Dennis Dart SLF / Pointer #34613

18 kwietnia 2012 - Sunderland - Borough Road. Rainy weather trammeled in my trip to Sunderland.

Volvo B10BLE / Wright Renown #5167

19 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Campion Gardens. Unfortunately, I don't know exact number, so I'm adding photo to this one which already is.

Volvo B10BLE / Wright Renown #5167

19 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Whitehill Drive. Not fog, neither rain - just typical English weather.

Komentarze: 1

Volvo B10BLE / Wright Renown #5167

19 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Campion Gardens. Many vehicles in go North East have roots in other cities. This one is from Oxford.

MAN 14.240 HOCL-NL / Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 #39709

17 kwietnia 2012 - South Shields, Sea Road. Despite blowing wind and quite low temperature (for us) there were some eagers for a walk through the beach.

Mercedes-Benz O530G #5354

19 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Albion Street. Citaros bought from London's carrier found work on local bus services.

Mercedes-Benz O530G #5354

19 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Coldwell Lane.

Komentarze: 1

Optare Versa #8322

18 kwietnia 2012 - Sunderland, Holmeside. Today's set is sponsored by Optare.

Optare Versa #8315

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Quayside, South Shore Road. Optare against a background of Millenium Bridge between Gateshead and Newcastle, opened in 2002. This is one of few tilt bridges in the world. During sailing on a river Tyne, the bridge "tilts" which cause more space between the bridge and water. At night the bridge is effectively highlighted, what at night gives beautiful view for Gateshead from Newcastle (next to the bridge is located "The Sage" - centre for some events, e.g. concerts or performances)

Komentarze: 5

Mercedes-Benz O530G II #5341

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Bensham, Pipewellgate. From this place road is only for buses, which is protected by bollard hiding only from them.

Komentarze: 4

Mercedes-Benz O530G II #5341

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Bensham, High Level Road. It's time for golden Citaros G. Line X66 connect Gateshead Interchange with the biggest shopping centre in Europe "MetroCentre". The only stops on a route are Gateshead and MetroCentre Interchanges, which cause that travel time is reduced to 10 minutes.

Scania L94UB / Wright Solar #4937

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead, High Level Bridge. As straszny said (1 and 2) traffic on High Level Bridge's lower level is only for buses from Newcastle to Gateshead, while on higher level are tracks which go to Central Station in Newcastle.

Komentarze: 3

Volvo Olympian / Northern Counties Palatine II #3826

16 kwietnia 2012 - Gateshead - Felling, Sunderland Road. I fell that recognizing their buses would be a great challange.

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