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Szukaj zdjęcia

Ford Transit VII 140T460 / Промтех #б/н

15 września 2011 - Moscow, Crocus-Expo. Ford Transit, rebuilt by "Promtekh" company and became longer and higher.

ЛиАЗ-5292.22 #14449

15 września 2011 - Moscow, Crocus-Expo. LiAZ-5292.22 Euro-5 for Mosgortrans. In 2011 they ordered 450 vehicles.

Volgabus 4298.00 #Р 798 ТР 34

15 września 2011 - New midibus "Rhytmix" by Volgabus, based on Ashok-Leyland chassis

Komentarze: 2

Iveco Daily 70C15 / Fox 2250 #ЕХ 6996 52

15 września 2011 - After a bit re-styling and bankrupt of the first developer, "Samotlor-NN" group, "Perspektiva" got a new appearance and a new name: now it's called "IVECO Fox"

Komentarze: 4

Iveco Daily 70C15 / Fox 2250 #ЕХ 6996 52

15 września 2011 - After a bit re-styling and bankrupt of the first developer, "Samotlor-NN" group, "Perspektiva" got a new appearance and a new name: now it's called "IVECO Fox"

Iveco Daily 70C15 / Fox 2250 #ЕХ 6996 52

15 września 2011 - After a bit re-styling and bankrupt of the first developer, "Samotlor-NN" group, "Perspektiva" got a new appearance and a new name: now it's called "IVECO Fox"

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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