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Hino QKG-KV234N3 Blue Ribbon II #74834

14 lutego 2019 - Hiroshima, Naka-ku, Ebisuchō (広島県広島市中区恵美須町).
2-2: 府中山田 (Fuchū-yamada) → 県庁前 (Kenchō-mae)
Hiroden uses a very peculiar route numbering system, which may be familiar to bus users in certain parts of the UK, or even better, Northern Ireland. Needless to say, bus and tram route numbers overlap, but that is no surprise to me. Most bus routes function as tree-like networks with a common route number - they depart from Hiroshima city centre along common routes that form the trunk of the tree, but sooner or later variations start splitting off like branches. To reduce the number of possible mistakes by passengers, individual variations are marked with an extra number after a hyphen. Therefore, on rte 2 seen in the photo it`s possible to see rtes 2, 2-1, 2-2, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-9, and 2-12 on the scrolls. Where does the plain 2 with no suffix come in to this? More about this under the next photo.

Komentarze: 2

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