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Mercedes-Benz 411 CDI #V11 OTS

13 stycznia 2014 - Gillan Creek, nr. Manaccan, Lizard Peninsular. Formerly the Truronian T3 "Lizard Rambler" service, this deeply rural once-a-day service is now the 323 "East Lizard Link", operated by OTS of Lamanva Cross (nr. Falmouth). This vehicle has been branded for the service. Another of my favourite routes from my time working for Truronian, when I used to drive a narrow-boded Mercedes 711D. Even in that, the mirrors would scrape the hedges in the narrowest sections of this route!

Autor: shedinagarden RSS
Miejsce: Helston (South West England) | Właściciel: OTS Falmouth | Linia: 323

Komentarze: 4

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