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Autosan A1012T #BX06 OAE

17 kwietnia 2017 - The Malakoff, St Ives. One of the 57 `English Liders`, this example is seen here taking part in a transport heritage event in West Cornwall. Many regard this location as the most scenic bus station in the UK.

Autor: shedinagarden RSS
Miejsce: St. Ives (South West England) | Właściciel: Group Travel Bodmin | Linia: 17

Volvo B7RLE / Wright Eclipse Urban #69206

17 czerwca 2014 - Hayle Terrace, Hayle. Seen here from across Copperhouse Pool with St Elwyns Church in the background. This bus remains just 1 of 4 in the entire fleet to have the new corporate livery due to being transferred from another part of the UK.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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