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Leyland Titan PD2/12/ Burlingham #P1466

13 czerwca 2009 - Southsea Common. Preserved Leyland PD2/12 in Maidstone & District livery during the 1999 Southsea Spectacular on June 13th, 1999.

AEC Reliance/Park Royal #RP 90

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 vehicle rally.

Komentarze: 1

Leyland Titan PD3/4 / Northern Counties #1001

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. United Counties 1001 at the 1999 Vehicle Rally. The bus has subsequently been restored as Southdown 418.

Leyland Leopard PSU3/Willowbrook #199

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea. Southdown 199 arriving at the 1999 vehicle rally

B10M #776

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Southsea Spectacular vehicle rally

Leyland Tiger PS2/Burlingham #44

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Southsea Spectacular vehicle rally

Komentarze: 1

Leyland Leopard / Harrington Cavalier #1703

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Southsea Spectacular vehicle rally.

Komentarze: 4

Bristol Lodekka LD6G / ECW #563

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. Vintage vehicle rally

Guy Vixen Special GS #GS1

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. Vintage Vehicle Rally

AEC Regal IV RF #RF319

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Vintage Vehicle Rally.

Komentarze: 1

AEC Regent III RT #RT1206

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 1999 Vintage Vehicle Rally

Komentarze: 1

Bristol LL #262

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. Preserved in Stroud, Glos arriving at the 1999 Southsea Spectacular Vintage Vehicle Rally.

AEC Reliance #543

13 czerwca 1999 - Southsea Common. 27th Annual Southsea Spectacular Vintage Vechicle rally.

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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