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Milnes Fleetwood Crossbench Rack #2

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: No visit to the museum would be complete without a ride on the 1898 Milnes `toastrack` tram ex-Blackpool and Fleetwood interurban tramway. Operating at Blackpool for forty years, it was stored after the open `boat` trams arrived and eventually came to Crich in 1964, since when it has been everyone`s favourite tram.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Roe VAMBAC #602

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Just about the newest tram in the collection is #602, built as a prototype in 1953. It was intended as the first tram of a GBP2M fleet to go underground in Leeds city centre, where traffic congestion was becoming a problem. The tram had several advanced features, including the VAMBAC control system (a bit like a PCC) but the Leeds management stopped the project and #602 was confined to a short shuttle service in the city centre, never showing its full potential. At Crich, it is regarded as an `ugly duckling` - a huge debate has raged abount restoration but nothing has happened, because the mechanics are very complex and there are no spare parts.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 1

GCT Cunarder #1297

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Continuing my theme of the more modern trams in the UK national collection, here is #1297, a Glasgow car built in 1927. Advanced for its time, it was constructed in Glasgow City Transport`s own workshops and ran there until the system closed in 1962, the last big city tramway in Britain to do so.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

UCC Feltham #331

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Resting between tours of duty in one of the NTM depot sheds, #331 of London`s Metropolitan Electric Tramways is an interesting vehicle. Built in 1930 by the Union Construction Company, it was a prototype for a class of tram known as the `Feltham`, which embodied many advances in passenger comfort and operating convenience. The MET company became part of London Transport, and by 1937 the tram was sold as non-standard to Sunderland Corporation, where it operated successfully until the 1950s. Restored to run at the Gateshead Garden Festival of 1990, it was then brought to Crich and has been a regular performer ever since.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 3


9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich,UK - National Tramway Museum: Seen beneath the Bowes Lyon bridge which is a feature of the Crich museum is this tram from the Johannesburg Municipal Tramways of South Africa, a large system with British origins. Built by the UECC company of Preston, Lancashire, it would have been shipped in `kit form` and assembled on arrival in South Africa. It ran there until 1959 and was later brought back to England as an example of a tram built in the UK but exported - one of many.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Brush Aston #7

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Car #7 of the Chesterfield Corporation Tramways was fully restored in 1997, but was built way back in 1904. The style is typical of many trams supplied to smaller town tramways around the turn of the 19th/20th century and this particular example was chosen for rebuilding because Chesterfield was the nearest tramway system to Crich. Withdrawn when the system closed down in 1927, the tram was turned into a holiday cottage and survived until 1973, when the remains were brought to Crich for storage and eventual restoration.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 3

PCC #1147

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: An exhibition hall at Crich houses several displays about tramways and some vehicles that can`t be included in the operating fleet. Here is #1147 of the Den Haag (Netherlands) tramway, built in 1958 by the La Brugeoise factory in Belgium and a true PCC car (if you don`t know what a PCC tram is, please contact me and I will try to explain!). This tram can`t be operated at Crich because it is single-ended, but the running track here isn`t. It is, however, an example of a very important step in the history of world tramways.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 3

GCT Standard #22

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: A peek inside some of the depots at Crich Tramway Village (the new name for this museum) where nearly 80 trams of various shapes and sizes are preserved, some in operational condition. In this view are several of the working fleet - prominent is #22 from Glasgow in Scotland, one of the largest tramway systems in the UK and one of the last surviving `traditional` or first generation networks.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 5

RAW TZ69 #3006

9 sierpnia 2011 - Crich, UK - National Tramway Museum: Almost all the historic trams in the collection at Crich can only carry people who are able to climb up narrow, steep steps - they certainly can`t carry wheelchairs or other mobility aids, so for many years less able visitors couldn`t take a tram ride, which was one of the main reasons for coming here. So the NTM obtained this 1969 RAW tram from the Berlin system, which has been cleverly converted to include a wheelchair lift, providing easy access for disabled visitors. The tram runs a coulpe of times on most days and is available if required at other times.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

AEC Regent Tower Wagon #CWJ 410

26 sierpnia 1997 - A vehicle that has eluded TWB until now is this ex-Sheffield Corporation AEC Regent of 1937 which was converted into a tower wagon at some point in the 1950s or 1960s. Conversion of old buses to various types of service vehicle was frequently undertaken by bus and tram operators - this one was a highbridge bus with Weymann body until converted. Now it performs useful duties maintaining the overhead wires at the National Tramway Museum in Derbyshire.

Autor: dvigaredytor RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich | Organizator: Private owner

Komentarze: 1

RAW TZ69 #223 006

18 kwietnia 2014 - Crich, Derbyshire (GB) – National Tramway Museum.

Autor: N8S RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 2

Hurst Nelson Standard #40

5 czerwca 2010 - Crich. National Tramway Museum.
Otaczające wioskę tramwajową skałki nadają przejażdżkom dodatkowego uroku.

Autor: af_robert RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Hurst Nelson Standard #40

5 czerwca 2010 - Crich. National Tramway Museum.
Ponadosiemdziesięcioletniemu staruszkowi z Blackpool przyszło na emeryturze pokonywać tak malowniczą (choć dość krótką) trasę ...radzi sobie jak widać całkiem dzielnie.

Autor: af_robert RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

Komentarze: 3

Hurst Nelson Standard #40

5 czerwca 2010 - Crich. National Tramway Museum.
Tytułowy tramwaj kieruje się na Talbot Sq. w Blackpool, natomiast jego towarzysz w tle podąża na pętlę Woolwich Ferry w południowo wschodnim Londynie. ;)

Autor: af_robert RSS
Miejsce: Crich (East Midlands) | Właściciel: NTM Crich

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