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Mitsubishi Fuso Aero Star #A5-829

13 grudnia 2018 - Niiza (Saitama Pref.), Higashi 3-chōme (埼玉県新座市東3丁目), Prefectural Route 40.
清61 (kiyo-61): 志木駅南口 (Shiki Station South Exit) → 清瀬駅北口 (Kiyose Station North Exit)
The yellow tactile tiles seen in the sidewalk leads to more or less where the bus should stop at the barely visible Rikkyō-mae stop. The route in the photo, 清61 (kiyo-61), is one of the numerous bus connections criss-crossing the primarily east-west railway network and connecting the various train stations. These routes however primarily serve as feeders to the nearest station as opposed to connecting the railway lines.

Hino PJ-KV234L1 Blue Ribbon II One-Step #9857

6 grudnia 2018 - Niiza (Saitama Pref.), Tōhoku 2-chōme (埼玉県新座市東北2丁目), Prefectural Route 40. Here you can see a typical city bus layout when it comes to Japan - a dual-door standard bus, in recent years more likely than not on a low-entry chassis. The two doors are segregated: one is for entry, the other for exit. However, there is no strict rule defining which door will have which purpose. In the Tōkyō general area it depends on when the fare is paid: if it`s a flat fare paid when getting on, board at the front, if it`s a distance-based fare paid when getting off, board at the middle. Thus Kyōto surprised me as, despite a flat fare, one pays when getting off, so the boarding is through the middle door.

Komentarze: 7

Isuzu QDG-LV290N1 Erga Non-Step #A6-954

13 grudnia 2018 - Niiza City (Saitama Pref.), Tōhoku 2-chōme (埼玉県新座市東北2丁目), Prefectural Route 40. With that said, I`d like to say hello :) I hope to add worthwhile content to this photogallery.

志33-1 (shi-33-1): 志木駅南口 (Shiki Station South Exit) → 新座駅南口 (Niiza Station South Exit)
With this photo, I think I can summarise the essence of Japanese suburbs quite well: not the widest streets (sidewalk not compulsory), completely mixed high-rise and low buildings, mandatory kombini in a relatively accessible distance (here: 7-Eleven), wiring out in the open, at least a few bicycles within eye`s reach, and along the afore-mentioned street a local city buses passes quite regularly (or not), whose purpose is a feeder to the closest railway station or stop. Sleepertown, no more, no less.

Komentarze: 5

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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