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Alexander Dennis Enviro 400ER City 11m #PAD 80

29 maja 2021 - Galway, Siobhán McKenna Road.
404: Oranmore → Westside Shopping Centre
A short digression before the description proper: drivers still keep on setting up the Newcastle destination on the 404 despite the route terminating at Westside probably purely out of habit... which would be fine if it didn`t terminate at Westside S.C. for the past nine years, only serving Newcastle along the way.
The 74 units for Dublin Bus are numbered from PA1 to PA74 (the AVL numbers being 41001 to 41074), and the first route on which they appeared was the 140 operated by Broadstone garage (this route was transferred over from Harristown a few months prior, but even that garage will be receiving these hybrids, but for the 4). Dublin`s 140 is so far the only route on which they are meant to appear, however one bus has been sighted on the 66 already for example (most likely on one of the split duties which are numbered independent of route-based numbering). Bus Éireann`s fleet numbers follow on from Dublin Bus`, with a different prefix however - they are PAD75 to PAD100. These buses may and indeed do appear on everything in Galway - the target is to operate the entire city network in Galway with these hybrids - but so far only scarcely: today I only noted one each on the 404, 405, and 409, and a fourth one parked behind the railway station, and yesterday I was able to see one per each of 401, 402, and 404.
My thanks and regards to the driver!

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Autobusy KMKM

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