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Kinki Sharyo Alexandria #121

Kinki Sharyo Alexandria #121

Wyprodukowany: 1982
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-11-12 16:29:33
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1050
Rozmiar pliku: 222.81kB
21 lutego 2010 - Alexandria, Egypt - Midan el Tahrir: Back on the Alexandria city lines, a non-pantograph equipped Kinki Sharyo tram tries to make progress across Tahrir Square with the Mediterranean Sea in the background. The traffic is murderous in the city, making you wonder how long the trams can continue - apart from the Ramleh interurban lines, this is entirely a street-running system, with narrow and awkward street layouts. Priority to allow the trams to go first is unheard of, so they must try to push their way through, but the average Egyptian driver is a mad lunatic....
en gt


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