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Bombardier A32 #429

Bombardier A32 #429

Wyprodukowany: 2008
Autor: ac75 seRSS (0)
Dodano: 2023-03-23 21:15:19
Miejsce: Stockholm / Stockholm    Organizator: SL Stockholm     Linia: 30
Szerokość: 1100, Wysokość: 825
Rozmiar pliku: 265.67kB
23 marca 2023 - Stockholm, Fredriksdalsbron. Normally there are two carriages in the trains on the Tvärbanan, but because, as SL writes "the newest tram model, A35, is taken out of service for technical reasons." the trains are shortened. The doors in the wall behind the tram lead into the bus garage in Fredriksdal.
en se gt


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