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Bombardier RNV8 #3273


NazwaBombardier RNV8
(Bombardier) /Adtranz Variotram 100-230 [1/2-2/0/2/0/2-2/0] (2002-2010)
Numer zabudowy
20022005HSB Heidelberg
2005RNV Mannheim
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
20022005273 / HSB Heidelberg
20052009273 / RNV Mannheim
20093273 / RNV Mannheim


7 września 2008 - Heidelberg, Germany – Theodor-Heuss-Brucke. Tram tracks in Heidelberg carry the southern loop of the OEG interurban line from Mannheim and also several wholly in-town routes. Heidelberg trams are changing – some classic Deuwag cars remain, but these are being replaced by trams of identical appearance, whether they work on the interurban lines or in Heidelberg, Mannheim or Ludwigshafen. Car 273 is a Bombardier product of 2002 – it runs in Heidelberg colours.
Autor: dvigar
7 września 2008 - Heidelberg, Germany – Theodor-Heuss-Brucke. Another view of RNV car 273 gives a better impression of the immense unsupported length between the wheels. If you are travelling just a short distance, it’s probably just quicker (and cheaper) to get on at the rear doors, walk through and get off at the front, without waiting for the tram to move…..
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 2

17 sierpnia 2009 - Heidelberg, Bismarckplatz. Prawie 40-metrowa gąsienica - jedna z najdłuższych odmian Variobahnu.
Autor: straszny
Komentarze: 3

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