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Gotha T57 #7


NazwaGotha T57
(Gotha) /Gotha B/G/T (2xLEW EM 60/600 60kW/82HP ) 22-87 [2-2] (1957-1961)
Numer zabudowy
1959VBBr Brandenburg an der Havel
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1958196940 / VBBr Brandenburg an der Havel
196919727 / VBBr Brandenburg an der Havel
19721993106 / VBBr Brandenburg an der Havel
1993306 / VBBr Brandenburg an der Havel
Inne informacje
1993 > Werkstattwagen


styczeń 2001 - Brandenburg-Plaue, Margarethenhof
Autor: Ikarus2xx

1 kwietnia 2005 - Brandenburg, Betriebshof Hohenstücken
Autor: Ikarus2xx

Komentarze: 4

listopad 2012 - Brandenburg, Brennaborhöfe The model was built by Uwe Roloff and drove in the model railway exhibition: 2012 Brandenburg model railroad days
Autor: David Marosky

2012 - In the wintertime... in the Depot , Carlreichsteinstraße . (BRandenburg an der Havel) .
Autor: David Marosky

Komentarze: 2

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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