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Mercedes-Benz 814 D / Plaxton Beaver 2 #570


NazwaMercedes-Benz 814 D / Plaxton Beaver 2
(Plaxton) Mercedes-Benz 814 D/Plaxton Beaver (1996-)
Numer zabudowy048.5MXV5782
2005Western Greyhound Newquay
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
2005WK05 CFD
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
2005570 / Western Greyhound Newquay


10 lutego 2014 - Watergate Road, Watergate Bay, Newquay. In what I expect to be its`s final year of stage-carriage service in the UK is this Plaxton Beaver "Plus": fitted with coach style seats and a small drop-well boot. Potentially one of many to be exported to Poland over the course of the next year.
Autor: shedinagarden

Komentarze: 1

27 lutego 2014 - Budnic Hill, Perranporth. Seen passing the entrance of the quiet Perran Sands Holiday Park is this Vario, one of many in the Western Greyhound fleet. With the DDA compliance deadline for this type of bus now only 9 months away, front line service is coming to a close for this type. One Western Greyhound Vario has recently been exported to Poland, apparently with many more to follow. This one too, perhaps?
Autor: shedinagarden

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