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Graz WLB #200


NazwaGraz WLB
(Graz) /Graz WLB 30 [2-0-2] (2013-)
Numer zabudowy
WLB Wien
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
200 / WLB Wien
Inne informacje
Historic interurban car - `hofsalonwagen` built 1899.


22 marca 2011 - Guntramsdorf – Feldgasse. (AT) - The lovely ‘Imperial’ interurban car of the Wien-Baden system steps out on a charter trip. This Wiener Lokalbahn is a true interurban, working into central Vienna alongside city trams and operating important freight services as well as frequent passenger trips.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

22 marca 2011 - Wien (AT) – Wolfganggasse. The historic Wien-Baden interurban car at WLB’s own station in Wolfganggasse. Wien city trams don’t come here (except they do – see my next photo!)
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

22 marca 2011 - Austria, AT - Vienna Karlsplatz/Oper: The Wiener Lokalbahn has kept this lovely Graz interurban tram from 1899 for special services, as shown here at their central Vienna terminal. Despite being nearly 100 years old, it can still keep pace with today`s fast trams on the busy route to Baden.
Autor: dvigar
22 marca 2011 - Austria, AT - Wien Karlsplatz: Inside interurban tram 200. What a great way to travel!
Autor: dvigar
22 marca 2011 - Austria, AT - Guntramsdorf, Feldgasse: The beautiful 1899 Wien-Baden interurban car on a short street-running section of line - shared with local road traffic, which must take great care to keep well out of the way of the fast-running trams.
Autor: dvigar

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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