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Timiş 2 TM69E #263


NazwaTimiş 2 TM69E
(Electrometal) 24-61 [2-2-2-2] (1969-1990)
Numer zabudowy
1979?STPT Timişoara
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19792000322 / STPT Timişoara
2000263 / STPT Timişoara
Inne informacje
2000: Works car - open rear platform.


1 września 1996 - Temeswar, Straße 16. Dezember 1989 / Traian Brücke (mit Bw 92)
Autor: hinerkduetz
4 kwietnia 2011 - Timisoara (RO) – Bulevardul Take Ionescu. The old tram depot opposite the RATT Headquarters offices in Timisoara is now disused and stores only a few trailer cars. Part of the site has already been demolished. Each morning, a works car from the main Dambovita depot comes here and turns through the remains of the depot yard, along track which can only be described as ‘marginal’. It’s a miracle that the tram doesn’t derail (perhaps it does, on days when we weren’t there). Why the tram comes here every day, no-one could tell us – perhaps just because it always has. Now Cluj-Napoca has withdrawn its remaining Timis cars, this might be the very last Romanian-built tram in service anywhere? The remains of the depot tower is in the background, below which was a rare tramway signal box.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 2

4 kwietnia 2011 - Timisoara (RO) – Take Ionescu. Just about the very last Romanian-built Timis car still used on a regular basis in the whole world (apart from snow-ploughs and museum trams) is this cut-down works car which, until quite recently, was used daily to take heavy equipment between the two Timisoara depots. As Take Ionescu depot was being demolished when I visited in April last year, I assume this is no longer necessary. Here, #263 makes the turn from the semi-demolished depot yard, now almost covered in mud and debris, back towards the main line. You can see that this track isn’t now used very much – maybe it has now gone completely?
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

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