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MAN (Augsburg) 1898 #14


NazwaMAN (Augsburg) 1898
(MAN) MAN 2 axeled tram/MAN 2-axle tram 14-28
Numer zabudowy
1898SWA Augsburg
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
191214 / SWA Augsburg
Inne informacje
Fahrzéug entstand durch einen Umbau der 1. Lieferserie (Bj 1898). Ein zweites Exemplar steht nach meinem Wissen im Augsburg Blücherstrasse ehem. Btf.


2 września 2010 - Augsburg (DE) – Lechhausen, Blücherstrasse. All working Augsburg trams are housed in a single new depot, leaving three others no longer in use. It is hoped that one of these former depots can one day be turned into a city transport museum, so a number of old trams are stored. Photography in these stores is extremely difficult, though, so these trams aren’t often seen. This snowbroom dates from the opening of the Augsburg electric tramways in 1898 and is one of two kept here at Lechhausen.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 4

3 października 2020 - Augsburg, Betriebshof Baumgärtnerstraße
Autor: wonneberger1.1

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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