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Werkspoor Drieasser #533


NazwaWerkspoor Drieasser
(Werkspoor) /Werkspoor Drieasser 25-78 [4-4-4-4-4] (1948-1950)
Numer zabudowy
19501977GVB Amsterdam
19772016Tramweg-Stichting Halfweg
2016EMA Amsterdam
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19501977533 / GVB Amsterdam
19772016533 / Tramweg-Stichting Halfweg
2016533 / EMA Amsterdam
Inne informacje
museum tram (motorwagen)


18 września 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. UITP 125th Anniversary preparations. Some of the visiting trams stand outside the depot ready for their big day tomorrow, including the attractive three-axle Amsterdam car.
Autor: dvigar
18 września 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel (BE) – depot/zajezdnia Woluwe. UITP 125th Anniversary preparations. STIB normally runs both pantograph and trolley-equipped cars between here and Terveuren – a bow collector must have been a new experience for them, but it didn’t seem to matter! If one of these ‘foreign’ trams had brought down the overhead wires, the whole show would have to be stopped, I guess.
Autor: dvigar
19 września 2010 - Bruxelles/Brussel - Terveuren, Albertlaan. UITP 125 Years Anniversary - one amazing day. On 19 September, Line 44 was taken over by museum trams from the extensive STIB museum collection. In addition, ten visiting trams ran in public service - see today's pictures. A unique occasion!
Autor: dvigar
28 sierpnia 2011 - Amsterdam, Damrak, lijn 20
Autor: fafax

Komentarze: 3

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Autobusy KMKM

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