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Ikarus 280.04 #2146


NazwaIkarus 280.04
(Ikarus) (Rába D2156HM6U 141kW/189HP 10350cm3) (Csepel S6-90U(6)) 37/147 [2-2-2-2] (1978-1990)
Numer zabudowy
19871993ГТ София
19931997СКГТ София
19982015СА София
Numery rejestracyjne
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Tablice rejestracyjne
19872006АП 2616
20062015CA 0790 AA
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
?19972146 / СКГТ София
1987?2616 / ГТ София
199720152419 / СА София


7 stycznia 2010 - Sofia, bul. Peyo Yavorov. 2419 on line 120.
Autor: Krassen Panev

25 lipca 2010 - Sofia, garage Malashevci.
Autor: Krassen Panev

25 lipca 2010 - Sofia, garage Malashevci.
Autor: Krassen Panev

25 lipca 2010 - Sofia, garage Malashevci.
Autor: Krassen Panev

Komentarze: 1

26 sierpnia 2010 - Sofia, str. Hristo Siliyanov. 2419 on line 86.
Autor: Krassen Panev

26 maja 2013 - Sofia, central railway station.
Autor: Ikarus280

21 czerwca 2015 - 21.06.2015 - ultimate end of the Ikarus era in Sofia bus transport. Ikarus 280 was the only model that operated in the city for such a long time and in such huge quntities. Between 1974 and 1988 more than 1000 buses from the model were imported to the Bulgarian capital. It is the bus thanks to which Sofia grew and developed through the years, the bus which transported millions of citizens to their homes, schools and working places. The Ikarus golden era was in the 80`s and the beginning of the 90`s when almost all bus lines in Sofia were hauled by the Ikarus 280. The legendary bus was decommissioned tacitly, without anyone even notice. There was no solemnity, no parades or fireworks, not even a single sign to show that this is the last day in service of a bus, which has loyally served the city for 41 years.
Autor: mpelov

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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