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Werdau R #15


NazwaWerdau R
(Werdau) /Werdau Offenbach R
Numer zabudowy
19081968SSO Offenbach am Main
1968?VGF Frankfurt am Main
Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt am Main
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
1908196815 / SSO Offenbach am Main
1968?15 / VGF Frankfurt am Main
15 / Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt am Main
Inne informacje
Museum tram - Offenbacher Strassenbahnen. Schwanheim museum, Frankfurt.


8 sierpnia 1963 - Offenbach (DE) – betriebshof/zajezdnia/depot Querstrasse. Finally, here’s a photo of the same tram when it was still operating in Offenbach. These little 4-wheelers lasted from the opening of the system in 1907 until almost the end (photographer H Dillmann).
Autor: dvigar
19 czerwca 2004 - Frankfurt am Main, muzeum komunikacji miejskiej Schwanheim. Wagon Staedtische Strassenbahn Offenbach typu R, rok produkcji 1908. Z TWB1.
Autor: straphan
4 września 2008 - Frankfurt am Main (DE) – museum Schwanheim. As well as many Frankfurt vehicles, the Schwanheim museum also houses trams from the nearby city of Offenbach, where the system closed down in the 1960s. This one was restored for the 50th anniversary of the city’s tramways in 1957.
Autor: dvigar

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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