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Siemens VAL 208 #P40


NazwaSiemens VAL 208
Numer zabudowy
Ilévia Lille
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
P40 / Ilévia Lille


15 czerwca 2009 - Lille (FR) – Les Pres. The Lille VAL is fantastic – before I went there, I imagined a little ‘toy’ railway, but it really is amazing. Sure, the rubber-tyred trains are small (just 2m wide and 13m long), but they run very fast and the system covers a distance of 45km and has 60 stations, all with full disabled access and platform doors. Two cars make a train, although stations are long enough for four-car trains in the future. Most of the system is below ground, but here at Les Pres it can be seen to best advantage. VAL operation is entirely automatic and trains run every couple of minutes. Great!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 6

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