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Plasser & Theurer #22


NazwaPlasser & Theurer
(Plasser & Theurer) /Technical Service tram
Numer zabudowy
2003IVB Innsbruck
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
200322 / IVB Innsbruck
Inne informacje
General-purpose works tram


14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck (AT) – Igls, Bahnhof. IVB Innsbruck has this huge works tram and two matching trailers, all built by the Austrian Plasser & Theurer company. It looks as though it’s designed to go off along the remote Innsbruck mountain lines for several days at a time in the deep winter snow – it has comfortable crew accommodation and even a little wind gauge on the roof. Here at Igls, it dwarfs the Deuwag GT8 alongside.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

14 maja 2007 - Innsbruck (AT) - Igls Bahnhof. Another view of the mighty IVB works car, showing the Hiab crane. This tram is powered either from the overhead wires or by an auxiliary diesel engine. A very impressive piece of equipment.
Autor: dvigar

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Autobusy KMKM

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