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Crotram TMK 2200 #2282


NazwaCrotram TMK 2200
(Končar) / (6xKončar TMK 2200 motor 65kW/88HP) 46/202 [2-2-2-2-2] (2005-2010)
Numer zabudowy
2008ZET Zagreb
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
20082282 / ZET Zagreb
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Wypożyczony przez
20082008СЕ София


31 października 2008 - Sofia. Since October 31st till the end of November 2008 a brand new Croatian tram has been crossing the streets of Bulgarian capital. Its appearance in Sofia managed to break for a while the usual apathy of the citizens – most of them turned their heads to see it carefully, they took pictures of it, and pronounced words of astonishment… The comparison with the old trams and the greyness of the city made many people think of whether we’re really living in the 21st century… Now the municipality announced a competition for delivering of some 25 low-floor trams and its very possible that Crotram will win.
Autor: Balkanton
Komentarze: 4

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