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Breda VLC #16


NazwaBreda VLC
(Breda) /Breda VLC
Numer zabudowy
1994Ilévia Lille
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
199416 / Ilévia Lille


15 czerwca 2009 - Tourcoing (FR) – Rue Chanzy. The Lille tramway has very little street running, but here in Tourcoing is a short section of single track. Car 16 has just left the terminus on a trip to central Lille. This is one of two branches of the Mongy, the other leading to Roubaix. These trams are 2.40m wide on metre gauge!
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

15 czerwca 2009 - Tourcoing (FR) – Rue Chanzy. The last stretch of line into Tourcoing centre is a single track, running in the street – the only place where the Mongy leaves the private tracks along the boulevards or the subway under central Lille.
Autor: dvigar
15 czerwca 2009 - Tourcoing (FR) – Rue Chanzy. One of the two Mongy branches finishes here in Tourcoing, where there is a short stretch of single track street running. These must be the ugliest trams in the world – so ugly, in fact, that you would ask for help if you looked so ugly! Also, they are very noisy and (amazingly) 2.40m wide on the metre gauge. Even old Konstal and Tatra trams are better than this.......
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 3

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