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Duewag N #810


NazwaDuewag N
(Duewag) /Duewag GT [2-2/0/2-2] (1963-1963)
Numer zabudowy
19632005VGF Frankfurt am Main
2005Prescom Reşiţa
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19632005810 / VGF Frankfurt am Main
200535 / Prescom Reşiţa


18 lipca 2004 - Frankfurt am Main, Vogelweidstraße. Jedna z ostatnich frankfurckich eNek jedzie w kierunku Gallus, Mönchhofstraße jako linia 21.
Autor: straphan
Komentarze: 4

3 października 2008 - Resita (RO) – depou/zajezdnia. Car #35 receives some attention on the jacks. Although the ex-Frankfurt cars are single-ended, they have a headlamp at the rear. Perhaps this is to help them reverse down the track into the depot? All the ex-Dortmund trams are double-ended, but they just run between two loops, so I don’t see much need for this - I don’t think there are any short workings on the line. If you plan a trip to Resita, go soon! Apart from the tramway, there is an open air museum of steam locomotives that were built in the famous Resita works. The city isn’t easy to reach by public transport, though – only very slow trains or buses go there.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

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