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Tatra B6A2D #952


NazwaTatra B6A2D
(ČKD) /ČKD Tatra T6 29-90 [2-2-2] (1988-1990)
Numer zabudowy
2010SzKT KT8A3-M-LF
(SzKT) /SzKT KT8A3-M-LF (2010-2010)
19892005RSAG Rostock
2005SzKT Szeged
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19891996801 / RSAG Rostock
19962005902 / RSAG Rostock
2009952 / SzKT Szeged
Inne informacje
in Rostock abgestellt: 04.02.1997


czerwiec 1990 - Rostock, Leibnitzplatz, June 1990.
Autor: HKN
12 maja 2010 - Szeged-Rókus, vasútállomás
Autor: gbalage

30 marca 2011 - Szeged (HU) - depot/zajezdnia, Csaky jozsef utca. An interesting project in the Szeged trolleybus depot. This experimental, low-floor articulated tram was being built as a ‘mock-up’ with parts from older trams (I suspect this involved some of the Tatra B4 cars which came here from Dresden a while ago). However, I think the tramway company soon realised this project didn’t really make sense, so it was abandoned and new Pesa trams bought instead.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 5

20 kwietnia 2015 - Szeged, tramway depot: I took a photo of this monster in March 2011 when it was standing in the Szeged trolleybus depot. Here it is again, but now in the tram depot shed. Close examination will show that NO further work whatsoever has taken place in the intervening four years (which makes you wonder why the company had kept it and not just sent it for scrap. Perhaps they are waiting for the Tatra Fairy to wave her magic wand and turn it into something useful?
Autor: dvigar
3 listopada 2021 - Szeged, Szechenyi ter; hier als zweiter Wagen im Verband 905+952.
Autor: wonneberger1.1

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