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DKV CSM-4 #809


NazwaDKV CSM-4
(DKV Főműhely) /Füzesi Árpád Főműhely CSM
Numer zabudowy
19752013SzKT Szeged
2013MaViTE Budapest
Numery taborowe
Wprowadzenie do ruchu Rok wycofania Numery taborowe
19752013809 / SzKT Szeged
2013809 / MaViTE Budapest


13 maja 2001 - Szeged, Kalvaria sugarut. Spotkanie niczym w czasach Węgierskiej Republiki Ludowej.
Autor: straszny
15 sierpnia 2008 - Szeged, Kálvária sugárút.
Autor: Banan
6 czerwca 2009 - Szeged, Murányi street (Tarján terminus)
Autor: gbalage

19 stycznia 2010 - Some trams were transported to the depot by a truck, because there is no conection with a depot (remember: the main tram line which leads to the depot is under construction). - Szeged, Kálvária avenue
Autor: gbalage

30 marca 2011 - Szeged (HU) - Fonogyari ut vegallomas. A new triangle has been built at the end of Line 3, which means that these ‘Bengali’ double-ended trams are no longer needed here. Only a few now remain, and it seems they are likely to be withdrawn from service quite soon.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 4

30 marca 2011 - Szeged (HU) - Boldogasszony sugarut. The Hungarian city of Szeged has both trams and trolleybuses and is well worth a visit. Here is a large archway on the road to the main railway station, which is also a monument of some sort. There are other fine buildings in the historic city centre. The tram is one of the last remaining, double-ended ‘Bengali’ type, which are just kept in reserve these days and aren’t needed for normal service.
Autor: dvigar
30 marca 2011 - Szeged (HU) - Vorosmarty utca. Another view of Bengali tram #809 in the city centre. Tram lines out to the edge of town mainly feature single track and passing loops, but all now have newly-built turning places at the ends, so the double-ended capability of these Bengalis is no longer needed.
Autor: dvigar
30 marca 2011 - Szeged (HU) – Kossuth Lajos sugarut. #809 is possibly the smartest remaining ‘Bengali’ tram remaining at Szeged – although there were quite a few others still remaining at the depot when I visited, none were in service and their time now appears to be over, except for special journeys.
Autor: dvigar
Komentarze: 1

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