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Ikarus 280.59 #2412

Ikarus 280.59 #2412

Wyprodukowany: 1988
Autor: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Dodano: 2019-10-23 21:31:06
Szerokość: 1250, Wysokość: 750
Rozmiar pliku: 482.63kB
23 października 2019 - Recently restored 2412 became the center point in a propaganda event organized by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, which was intended to convince the public how much the Ministry`s work has changed Bulgaria with the help of EU funds. While officials told vivid and heartfelt stories of success, 3D mapping projections showcased photographs of projects financed by the EU on the body of the Ikarus. The event culminated in an attractive 6-minute video. The bus itself was wrapped in white vinyl to make the projections more visible. Hopefully the wrap won`t damage the brand new paint.
en gt


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