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Schöndorff 1928 #94

Schöndorff 1928 #94

Wyprodukowany: 1928
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-12-04 15:31:27
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 787
Rozmiar pliku: 394.62kB
22 września 2013 - Wuppertal, Germany - Greuel: The Bergische Museumsbahnen is a nice tram museum in the Wupper valley, once a country tramway through the forests to Eberfeld and Solingen. The metre gauge track runs for several km up a steep gradient and once connected with the celebrated Barmer Bergbahn, a rack tramway - laid partly in the street - to a station in the surrounding hills where you could change to this line. This is an original Barmer Bergbahn tram of 1928, built by Schondorff of Dusseldorf, standing at the current terminus of the line within the forest. The museum track continues unused to the village of Moschenborn and it is hoped eventually to reopen it further.
en gt


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