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Gotha T57 #32

Gotha T57 #32

Wyprodukowany: 1961
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-11-23 16:52:59
Miejsce: Woltersdorf / Brandenburg    Linia: 87
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 1050
Rozmiar pliku: 563.13kB
26 maja 2003 - Germany, Woltersdorf: The idyllic little Waltersdorf village tramway on the outside of Berlin, showing one of their Gotha T57 cars at the terminus next to the river bridge. The local population are very proud of their trams, which are kept in sparkling condition and provide a frequent service between here and the nearest S-Bahn station, using trams like these with matching trailers, which are detached at the depot part way along, so the motor car can continue alone down a fairly steep hill to this end point. No-one ever mentions the words "low floor" here and this line somehow manages to be immune to any pressure to modernise - long may this continue.
en gt


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