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Miscellaneous 2-axle tram #115
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-09-24 17:04:43
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 962
Rozmiar pliku: 275.33kB
13 września 2018 - Vitebsk, Belarus - tramway depot: A rather more sympathetic restoration is this motor and trailer tram set in the depot yard. Presumably these are 1898 originals from the first tramway line in the city, although they have lost their original identities - they were probably restored for the 115th year anniversary, then given another lick of paint recently. The system was metre gauge until the 1930s and trams like this would have come from Germany or Belgium, as the company was originally built under French ownership.
en gt


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