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Tatra RT6N1 #85

Tatra RT6N1 #85

Wyprodukowany: 1996
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-07-09 17:08:01
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 787
Rozmiar pliku: 149.30kB
21 marca 2013 - Liberec - DPML Tramway Depot: On my most recent visit in 2013 I was amazed to find the Tatra prototype tram #85 still stored in the depot and looking very smart. This is one of two prototype trams sent here from Prague in the 1990s after Prague decided it had no further use for them. Liberec ran them for only a very short time and one was scrapped - this one was stored in the depot. I rather thought it would have gone to Poznan in Poland some years ago, as it is the prototype of their small (troublesome) class of these Tatras and, at the very least, would be a useful source of spare parts. Anyway, it seems that it is still here, taking up valuable depot space, over thirty years after it was built!
en gt


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