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Lohner E #710

Lohner E #710

Wyprodukowany: 1963     Zezłomowany: 2016
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-06-10 12:42:42.953655
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 787
Rozmiar pliku: 200.28kB
8 września 2014 - Remiza/Tramway Depot Sarajevo. Another second-hand purchase (or more likely a gift?) to Sarajevo after the damaging civil was came from Wien, who have spent the last few years replacing all their huge fleet of Lohner GT6 cars with new ULF trams. Here are two of the large batch that came here, perhaps on the principle that `if they`re free, we`ll take all of them`. However, it was soon discovered that the tyres were too narrow or worn to be used safely, so only a very small number ran in service in Sarajevo and the rest were just dumped here at the depot.
en gt


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