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PCC #71

PCC #71

Wyprodukowany: ?
Autor: dvigar enedytorRSS (0)
Dodano: 2018-06-07 20:59:02.658292
Szerokość: 656, Wysokość: 1100
Rozmiar pliku: 56.94kB
8 września 2014 - Sarajevo Railway Station. The ex-Washington PCC car poses in front of striking new architecture near the main railway station. Sarajevo suffered a damaging civil war a few years ago and things are only now getting back to normal - the cities` tramway has been re-equipped with various old trams from Netherlands, Austria and some other countries. The PCC would have been powered by conduit between the rails in Washington - unlike London, where the current collector automatically slid out from underneath when required, the Washington system relied on men who waited in large pits betweek the rails to add or remove the collector when the tram stopped above. Not a very pleasant job!
en gt


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