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Karosa B741.1920 #141

Karosa B741.1920 #141

Wyprodukowany: 1997     Zezłomowany: 2018
Autor: Mettal ltedytorRSS (794)
Dodano: 2018-05-05 20:56:36
Miejsce: Vilnius / Vilniaus apskritis    Organizator: VVT Vilnius     Linia: 5G
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 800
Rozmiar pliku: 288.75kB
26 lutego 2018 - Vilnius, Justiniškių gatvė. The end of first brand new articulated buses in Vilnius after fall of USSR has come. Once - 61 articulated Karosa were a core of bus services in Vilnius. Now there are only 3 left which will run until their technical inspection certificate expire: 051 (last of model B841) will run until thursday (05-10), 114 - until 05-27 and 141 - until 06-11. What is more interesting - by the autumn there should be only 10 high floor buses left for reserve, which means that all MB O405 variations will be gone. Though it is not very clear how 50 new Solaris buses could replace ~70 vehicles which are either high floor, rented or are low-floor but in condition of complete trash.
lt gt


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