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Ikarus 280.59 #2496

Ikarus 280.59 #2496

Wyprodukowany: 1988     Zezłomowany: 2015
Autor: mpelov bgRSS (0)
Dodano: 2015-05-18 11:34:17
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 750
Rozmiar pliku: 651.10kB
24 kwietnia 2015 - 2496 on line 119 between Botunets quarter and Kremikovtzi metalworks with Vitosha mountain in the background. Line 119 makes 6 additional trips to Kremikovtzi on workdays and 2 trips on weekends. Regular trips of the line are served to Botunets quarter. Kremikovtzi was Bulgaria`s largest metalworking company. The construction of its facilities began on 5 November 1960 and the first production capacities were put into operation in 1963 to produce cast iron and coke, with production extending to cover other areas in the 1960s and 1970s. After a controversial privatisation in 1999 and years of deliberate draining by the new private owners, Kremikovtzi finally declared bankruptcy in 2009. On the 15th of May Ikarus buses ceased operating on lines 118 and 119 and were replaced by Heuliez O 305G and Mercedes O 345G. 2496 is one of the last Ikarus buses still in service in Sofia. It is said that all remaining Ikarus buses will be decommissioned by the end of May.
en gt
Tagi: 119


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