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ЛАЗ-695Н #А 695 КЕ 777
Autor: Mad_BOSS ruRSS (43)
Dodano: 2014-09-02 13:38:45
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 759
Rozmiar pliku: 305.39kB
31 sierpnia 2014 - Moscow, VDNKh. LAZ-695N gets ready to enter pavillion "Machinery and space" to take part in an exhibition "Soviet automobile industry" (till 1 november 2014). Previous 20 years were very harmful to the main expocenter of Russia, and now it is reborn with new management; for example, there was a second plane at this square (demolished in 2008), and this pavillion used to be... a grocery and gardening market.
en ru gt


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