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Astra Autentic #AR 01306

Astra Autentic #AR 01306

Wyprodukowany: 2023
Autor: AEROrazvan enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2023-12-18 11:14:24.450675
Miejsce: Arad / Arad    Organizator: CTP Arad     Linia: 18b
Szerokość: 1024, Wysokość: 684
Rozmiar pliku: 207.77kB
12 grudnia 2023 - Astra Imperio Civitas making its way through two important buildings in Arad: the "Ioan Slavici" Classical Theatre (on the left, can`t be spotted in the photo) and the "St. Anthony of Padua" Catholic Church (in the background). Also, the tram depicted is the newest of the 16 produced in Arad, all of them serving for their home town.
en gt


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