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VDL Citea LLE120 #5889

VDL Citea LLE120 #5889

Wyprodukowany: 2012
Autor: ChrisGBNL enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2023-01-22 14:48:10.863993
Miejsce: Apeldoorn / Gelderland    Linia: 302
Szerokość: 1400, Wysokość: 933
Rozmiar pliku: 624.29kB
21 stycznia 2023 - Apeldoorn, Molendwarsstraat. Connexxion buses made a return to regular services in Apeldoorn for the first time since 2009 at the end of 2022 with the start of the temporary Veluwe Zuid concession, albeit that these buses are even more temporary than the concession. It had been 18 years since Connexxion last operated the service between Apeldoorn and Arnhem, which at the time was numbered 91.
en gt


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