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MAN ND323F / Gemilang #2207

MAN ND323F / Gemilang #2207

Wyprodukowany: 2019
Autor: resh enRSS (0)
Dodano: 2022-11-14 21:34:41.72275
Miejsce: Dubai / Dubai    Linia: X23
Szerokość: 1300, Wysokość: 867
Rozmiar pliku: 704.52kB
10 stycznia 2022 - Dubai, Al Ghubaiba Bus Station. One of the 79 new MAN Lion`s City DD. Specifically, 2207 was delivered as part of the first batch to the Al Awir depot in September 2019, registered in October of that year. Here we can see it in the EXPO 2020 livery with a pass behind the windshield: for some time this bus was used in the EXPO Rider service. The double-decker MANs were only used on routes from EXPO to Sharjah. The bus is now waiting to depart on the X23 route, one of the 9 express routes in Dubai.
dk en gt


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