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Volvo 9700HD UG 13,5m #938

Volvo 9700HD UG 13,5m #938

Wyprodukowany: 2018
Autor: Øyvind Berg nbedytorRSS (820)
Dodano: 2020-03-10 23:31:15
Miejsce: Tromsø / Troms    Organizator: Arctic Route     Linia: 902
Szerokość: 1200, Wysokość: 675
Rozmiar pliku: 312.21kB
10 marca 2019 - Tromsø, Prostneset. Together with Eskelisen Lapin Linjat (FI) and rail operator SJ (SE), Bussring have started a network of international tourist routes connecting Alta, Narvik and Tromsø in Norway, Rovaniemi in Finland and Luelå in Sweden, known as The Arctic Route. Eskelisen have foremerly had the Tromsø-Rovaniemi route, but only in the summer. Now it also operates in the winter, for the northern lights tourists. The shortest route they offer is between Tromsø and Lyngen, where there are different tourist activities.
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