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First Eastern Counties Ltd./

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 II #33811

20 sierpnia 2016 - Norwich, Bus Station. These buses were used on the X1 `Excel` service from Peterborough to Lowestoft. This was the longest bus route in England until 2014, with a length of 107 miles / 172 km. In 2014 the route was split into Peterborough - Norwich and Norwich - Great Yarmouth - Lowestoft. These buses were replaced by new buses in February 2020.
Autor: ChrisGBNL

Alexander Dennis Enviro 400 II #33821

9 lipca 2014 - Peterborough, Westgate
Autor: Marcin Łańko (su44)

8 sierpnia 2015 - Great Yarmouth, Temple Road.
Autor: ChrisGBNL

Fotogaleria Transportowa

Autobusy KMKM

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